Annual entry@2:40 AM
Just realised that I update my blog once a year. I would periodically remember the existence of my blog at the beginning of each year, do an update, then wipe it off my mind until the next year. Funny how the mind works.
This year I am 26. No longer early twenties; no longer young adult. How should I review my life?
Think I'd rather not.
Too much to type; too insignificant to broadcast; too sensitive to reveal; too heartbreaking to mention. People disappoint me. Makes me want to just concentrate on myself and my own life, which I usually do not.
F**k all that. As of now, I just want to be a perfect daughter to daddy. Please let him win the battle over C.
This song. The emotions. Somehow, I feel that there wasn't a proper closure between him and me. Or will there ever be one?
Should I return to blogging?
until tomorrow}